“Breaking old patterns to be renewed”
“Breaking old patterns to be renewed”
Acrylic on canvas in a hand-built pine frame made by the artist.
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About this painting:
This entire series of paintings has to do with my relationship to the weather in the Pacific Northwest and how the weather is just a reflection of our own inner territory.
One thing I know as a coach and teacher of energy medicine is this: we humans tend to get into patterns of avoiding discomfort that actually perpetuate said discomfort.
I have certainly generated my fair share in regards to the incessant PNW rain:
Leaping over puddles to keep my shoes dry, running to my car to keep from getting wet, grumbling when I wake up to a sky that is grey and looming…
This painting is about busting out of these habitual responses to discomfort.
Why not get wet?
Jump in the puddle. Walk slowly and breathe. Greet the sky as it is instead of judging it so dismissively. Be open to creating new patterns that invite more playfulness and acceptance.
If we can do this with the weather, we can do this with any aspect of our own personality.
Paintings are portals. What do you see? Feel free to let me know in the message box above!