Death and Dreaming
When: Saturday February 2 from 4-7
Cost: $50
As a death doula and hospice nurse, Kelly Watkins has been with hundreds of people during their last moments of life. This work profoundly informed how she lives and heals and she is thrilled to bring you a taste of it. Amanda Lux is an Active Dream teacher who loves to work within the imaginal realm to bring about greater healing and ease, guidance and inspiration. Active Dreaming works with both night dreams and conscious dream journeys to tap into the wisdom of the imaginal realm. Together, Kelly and Amanda are weaving these two amazing topics into one class where we will explore our own finite relationship to the physical world, and our truly infinite nature.
Where: All events will be located at the White Building 209 4th Ave E suite 203
What to expect: This class will be like a cozy retreat. An opportunity to be supported, nourished, inspired and resourced within held and a sacred container. Bring a blanket and pillow, journal and snacks if you would like. There will also be tea and snacks provided. DreamWork provides opportunities for you to explore different ways to tap into the creative unconscious to receive guidance and resource. In this class you will have the opportunity to learn how this powerful practice can be used in many ways, but specifically we will be using it to tap into our relationship to death. When we make death our ally instead of living in fear of it, our life is infused with greater energy and magic. No experience necessary. All are welcome.