I am so honored that you are here and I look forward to working and playing with you!
Currently offering classes and private sessions in
Transformational Life Coaching
Intuitive work
Polarity and/or Craniosacral Therapy
BodyMind Bridge Hypnotherapy
MindBody Massage
I accept PIP/ motor vehicle accident claims and Regence Uniform insurance with a current referral only.
You do not need to know what modality you are booking for in advance, but it is good to know all that is available and you can attach a message with specifics if you like.
Please read through my services thoroughly before booking to make sure we are a good fit and feel free to contact me with any questions.
NOte: I have moved and am no longer downtown Olympia.
Two locations to choose from
Northeast Olympia Location
(currently closed for COVID. I am seeing clients for outdoor sessions at the west side location below)
Come relax, renew, and unwind in this unique eco-friendly cob room built specifically for healing.
1016 SanFrancisco Ave NE at the corner of Quince St. (Driveway and entrance is on Quince)
Located one mile from downtown, three blocks from the SanFrancisco Street Bakery in Olympia’s Northeast neighborhood
Please read about the updated COVID-19 scheduling details and fill out your intake form and email it to me before you arrive. thanks!
West Side Steamboat Island Location
***Outdoor sessions available May- September (weather permitting) under a covered patio in front of a majestic view of the water on a private 10 acres of magical forest. The table is heated and cozy when it is cool and when it is hot there is usually a lovely breeze coming off the water.
West Side/ Steamboat Island: 7344 48th Way NW Olympia, WA 98502
You might be thinking- that’s so far away! But really, it only 15 minutes from downtown Olympia. For reals.
Please note: GPS may lead you to the neighbors house.
Take the 101 and be sure to stay right when it divides into highway 8.
Pass the Steamboat Island exit and take the next exit for Oyster Bay. It is small so keep your eyes peeled.
Go straight and turn right onto Scott Rd. (it is at a funny angle and you can only turn right)
Turn left onto a gravel road at the mailboxes and small wooden lending library onto 48th way NW
Go all the way down the gravel road until you see the sign that says “end of county road” and turn right into the driveway. The address is on the left side of the fence post and there is a wooden sign with a bee on it that says “the Hive”
Stay to the right when the driveway splits or you will end up at my art studio!
Park in front of the house and wait in your car. I will come out and get you. We will be walking down a short gravel hill (a few yards long) to the left of the house- there are no stairs.
Questions? Call or text me at 360-480-0342 or email me at earthinheart@gmail.com
Nothing new ever came from doing the same old thing…
Sometimes you have to get brave. Step out of your comfort zone and step into your Self.
Life doesn’t wait for you to decide the timing is right. It just keeps going until it’s gone.
But it’s never too late to say YES to your soul. And you do not have to do this work alone. It may take some courage, grit and determination to show up for yourself and learn the lessons your Soul came here for. But there are no mistakes.
Every obstacle you face in your body, in your head, in the circumstances your life has dished up,
is an opportunity for healing and self actualization.
And it doesn't have to be so hard.
In fact, it can be playful. Healing can be delightful!
All you have to do is step in.
“I want awakening experiences. Shifts and changes. Take on my tigers like a pack of wolves. Solitude rich with feminine energy. Diving deep. Coming up for air. Commune with nature. Cry. Stand at my edges and say yes. Awaken my knowing. Be. Scream. Take the journey of the hero...warrior. Lay down my crown. Collapse my temples. Bare my soul. Laugh until it hurts. Connect. Absorb. Return.”