Dreaming is not only some passive activity we do while we are asleep. There are many states of consciousness available if we are willing to tap into them.
In a dreamwork session, I hold space for my clients to go on their own conscious dream journey and gather the medicine they need for their body or life.
DreamWork could also mean unpacking your night dreams and looking at them elementally, energetically and symbolically, as well as utilizing Conscious dream journey work and dream re-entry with or without the aid of drumming and guided visualizations.
I love to empower my clients to create their own relationship to dreaming, and to cultivate a practice around listening to their dreams which builds intuition and helps to provide guidance, clarity and healing. I will also journey for my clients simultaneously or separately depending on the situation.
As indigenous cultures across the globe and throughout history have known, we journey to make contact with the land, our ancestors, our guides, but most of all ourselves.
This method of dreamwork does not require any prerequisites or special skills that you do not already possess. Dreaming is your birthright and anyone who dreams has access to profound guidance and healing. Even if you don’t remember your dreams at all!
I trained with Robert Moss as an Active Dream Teacher and in addition to private sessions I offer regular dream circles and classes using his methods as well as others that I have developed and acquired along the way.